President of the painting section of the Autumn Exhibition, administrator-Secretary General of the National House of Artists, Secretary General of the French National Committee of the International Association of Plastic Arts (AIAP) for UNESCO, Honorary President of the International Association of Plastic Arts for UNESCO, President of the French Committee, member of the French commission of UNESCO, great silver-gilt medal of the City of Paris, honorary member of the Nika Exhibition (Tokyo), requested by Japan and the French Minister of Culture, Mr André Malraux, to organise the 60th Anniversary of Fauvism in 1965.
Prizes and Distinctions
City of Venice Prize, Prize in the margins of the National Prize, Travel scholarship of the National Prize, Biennial Prize of Menton, International Oscar of painting, Cagnes-sur-Mer, Silver Medal of the Society of encouragement for art and industry Gold Medal, town of Courbevoie, Great silver-gilt medal of the City of Paris, recently, the Taylor Foundation Prize.